You are not a Superhero

Sometimes it feels like you just can’t do enough. Everyone needs your help and you can’t get enough rest. Your gas level is on E and you certainly don’t have any peace. There’s just a big, gnawing, gaping hole at the pit of your stomach and you don’t know what to do to stop it from taking over.

Many of us have a superhero complex. It’s our job to save the day and no one can do it but us.

People are depending on me so I don’t have time to be weak or tired.

I am the hub and without me, the wheel stops spinning.

The fatal flaw in this logic is that we were never meant to be the hub. We’re forcing ourselves into a role that isn’t ours to play. Thus, we are bogged down, pressed and barely making it from day to day.


God is the hub. He should be the center that everything in our lives orbits around. We don’t have the strength, patience, energy, grace, stamina or mental fortitude to fill God’s shoes. So, stop.

Learn the value of saying, “I need you, Lord.”

Why is it so hard to ask for help, even from the One who wants nothing more than to be our refuge?  A good warrior knows when to retreat. Retreat doesn’t mean failure. It is a strategic move to give yourself time to replenish and recoup. Stop trying to fight an endless battle on your own. Sound the retreat. Return to your refuge and let the Lord renew your strength.

You ARE NOT a superhero.

It’s not your job to save the world or everyone in your circle. You can’t handle it all. So instead, learn the strength in vulnerability, the power of the word “No” and the importance of making yourself the priority.  Learn to protect your peace and your personal well-being. If you don’t set boundaries in your life, then no one else will.

Take off the cape.

Help who you can, but don’t be consumed by a job that was never meant to be yours.

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