Living with Active Faith

If you’re like me, you probably have some type of activity tracker.

There’s something keeping pace with every step, counting them, in the daily challenge to meet and beat your goal.

Furthermore, if you’re still like me, then you’re absolutely livid when you forget to wear your activity tracker. It’s like each step is wasted, lost in an abyss of uncertainty.

What’s the point of walking anywhere?

None of these steps count!

Theatrics aside, those steps seem to lose some of their value because you can’t trace them. This can be so similar to my relationship with God sometimes. I pray about a situation and then I shrivel back up in fear; plead with God for an answer and then ignore the guidance.  He blesses me. I give a quick thanks and then move on to the next thing on my list. Those moments with God are jumbled up in the passing of the day.

 Now, no time with God is ever wasted, but how much richer could the experience be, could the relationship be if we not only had faith but put that faith into action?

We all have those friends who cry on our shoulder, half-listen to our advice and then walk away and continue to do the same thing that they were complaining about. Alternatively, think about how often we do that to God. We cry and we pray. We sing and we shout. Sadly, most times, we never listen. We never change.

Challenge Yourself

Today and forevermore, challenge yourself to live with active faith.  It works just like living an active and healthy lifestyle.

1. Be Consistent

Yes, we can talk to the Lord whenever our hearts desire. However, make a date with the Lord and then show up at that appointed time every day. Watch how he’ll reward your faithfulness.

2. Take that one small step forward in faith.

Do the things that you fear. Having an irrational fear of something likely means the devil is attempting to block you from your next blessed place. So, try the things that scare you, the things that push you out of your comfort zone.

3. Keep a prayer/blessing journal.

Record the things you ask God about, His answers, and when you see those answers come to fruition. Having a record of how the Lord has blessed you, much like that step tracker, helps you celebrate the wins and encourages you to keep pushing when things feel tough.

Track your steps in faith. Be active in your relationship with God and be blessed by the results.

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