The Winter of our Discontent

Be Grateful

Discontentment is a fact of life. 

It’s God’s way of showing us that we have yet to reach our full potential. The fact that we remain in a situation also lets us know that we aren’t quite ready for the next blessing that He has in store for us.  We still have something to learn from wherever we may find ourselves. The important thing to do is to examine the situation that we’re uncomfortable in and ask why?

Why am I still here and what is there to learn from this? 

It could be a lesson in patience. Maybe your lesson is acceptance or perhaps how to put away complacency and embrace perseverance.  Regardless, the most important thing to remember is gratefulness.

Be grateful for what you have even if it’s not currently what you want.  It’s so easy for us to recognize the blessings when they’re “good” to us, like that raise at work. Yet, it is infinitely harder for us to appreciate that same blessing when things aren’t so good, like when your boss pisses you off. 

Our emotions are unavoidable. They’re what make us human.  Situations and circumstances ebb and flow, that’s life and it cannot be changed.  The only thing that we can change is ourselves and our attitudes. 

So, as I’m looking around my world and feeling discontent because things just aren’t where I want them to be, I’m remembering to first look around to see what lessons can be learned. Secondly, I’m looking inward because I can’t change the situation until I change myself. Lastly, I’m constantly reminding myself to be appreciative for what I have. Who knows? There may be someone who would trade places with me in an instant.

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